We are in need of catechist for both sections. We ask that as you fill out this registration you prayerfully discern volunteering just 1 hour of your week to help form the youth of our parish. Lessons are prepared and prepped for you to make it as easy as possible. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Class Times:
Classes will meet on Wednesday evenings at St Joseph’s School unless otherwise noted on calendar;
Kindergarten- 6th Grade 5:30-6:30pm
7th - 12th Grade 7:00-8:00pm
Registration Fee:
$65 per student or $175 per family cap.
If you have a child receiving a sacrament please add $15 per child to your total.
Sacrament Information:
2nd Grade- First Reconciliation
3rd Grade- Confirmation & First Communion
Please stop by our registration table following all Masses on the weekend of August 24th & 25th to pick up a calendar and pay fees.
Tuition assistance is available. Please contact Renae or Margi for more information