All parish families should make contributions to the Sunday collection. Christian stewardship is not transactional (I give this so that I may get that). It is an attitude in which we see each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and assist each other according to the needs and means of each. Traditionally the Sunday Collection means putting some money in the collection basket. Today it can also mean setting up online giving.
Online Giving
Signing up for online giving benefits St. Joseph Church because it guarantees a consistent cash flow. Please sign up for weekly or monthly contributions:
St. Joseph Church is supported by the following endowments:
St. Joseph Church Endowment
Gen Rutten Endowment (St. Joseph Church)
Sylvester and Shirley Gores Endowment (For Maintenance & Repairs)
Joann & Jeffrey Kitchens Family Endowment
St. Joseph School is supported by the following endowments
St. Joseph School Endowment
LaVina Bosch Scholarship Endowment (For scholarships and assistance)
Gen Rutten Endowment (St. Joseph School)
Victoria Wakefield Endowment Fund
These endowments are with the Catholic Development Foundation. For more information on tax credits and different ways to give to these endowments please visit: